Saturday, February 4, 2012

 I've been thinking about some books I really like that are either just enjoyable, or encouraging, or both.

 A book that really encouraged and challenged me was Preparing to Be a Help Meet by Debi Pearl.  The first chapter was on prayer and it really changed the way I thought about prayer. I'll probably be writing another post on this. Really this whole book was soooo good. It changed how I look at this phase of my life, I realized that instead of just sitting around waiting for life to happen to me (probably more specifically waiting for a man :p) I could be busy preparing to be a wife and becoming who I was made to be right now! There is a chapter on Knowledge, at the end of the chapter was a list of recommended books and that was so helpful! There are stories of how other women met their husbands and throughout the book there are places that men added their input. I would very highly recommend this book to any girl who hopes to be a godly wife someday.

 All of the books I've read so far by Leslie Ludy (and some with her husband Eric) have been very good! When God Writes Your Love Story and When Dreams Come True kind of go together. I would read When God Writes Your Love Story first because it highlights the principles they used in their own relationship, but then you should definitely read When Dreams Come True, because it tells their whole story. What girl doesn't love a good, real-life love story?
 Leslie's books, Answering the Guy Questions and Authentic Beauty were really good, but I  probably wouldn't recommend Authentic Beauty for younger teenage girls unless their moms read it first due to some of the candid examples of our culture. However, if you go to public school you probably experience it first hand. If you don't read Authentic Beauty but you're still interested in what Leslie has to say she has two other books, Set Apart Femininity and The Lost Art of True Beauty.

I'll leave it at that for now, but I'll write about other books in the future. Have a fabulous weekend!